The universe, in which we live and the earth exists, is governed as it were by a certain celestial body. The planets set their courses around this body. Our earth is sustained by it. Without this single body life would cease to exist. Of course, I speak of the sun. Our entire universe revolves around it.
God created the sun for a reason. I believe the way our universe is set up is not mere happenstance. Everything God does has a purpose. Nothing is by coincidence. No, when God created the universe, He did so for a reason.
"In the Lord do we live, move, and have our being."
The God of the whole universe says unto us, that He created us, and without Him, nothing shall exist. Everything would cease to exist apart from God. We exist in God, everything is sustained by Him, and without Him nothing is possible.
"And he breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and man became a living soul."
We must realize that we breath because of God. The first breath that a little baby takes is a manifestation of the statement above. This is one of the reasons why each birth is a miracle.
"The Heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Night unto night uttereth speech and day unto day showeth knowledge."
"This is our Father's World." Many of us have probably wondered why the Earth as one of the celestial bodies does not merely float through space. Furthermore, why does the earth continually go around the sun year after year? First, God is the answer to these wonderments. God is the source by which all happenings happen. It is all part of His all-wise plan. Second, God said that the seasons would continually take place year after year. This is one of the reasons why the Earth stays only so far away from the Sun. Another reason is because were the distance changed much in any direction (i.e. closer or farther away) life would cease to exist on this earth.
"Being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:" [Ephesians 1:11] All things work to the glory of God and have been foreordained before the foundations of the world. This means that if your family gets in a car accident and is killed and you are the only one left, this is from the Lord. In this instance our hearts should be as Job's, "The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." If we are given good grades in school, these things are of the Lord. If we are held at gun point and asked to renounce our faith or an entire nation is destroyed due to an earthquake or we are given riches beyond measure, than we should give thanks to God for His mercy and stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ. We have nothing and are given nothing, good or bad in our sight, apart from the Lord.
"For we are fearfully and wonderfully made."
God made us in His image from the dust of the ground and breathed in us the breath of life and we became a living soul. Our bodies are so complex that if one thing is out of proportion our entire body suffers. For instance, we have hundreds of germs inside our mouths that would kill us in a matter of a very short amount of time; however, we are still able to operate normally as human beings.
Also, think about our DNA. Our DNA is a double helix that is largely the determinate of who we are as a people and is the script by which our body operates(i.e. in appearance).
Every one of our cells except for red blood cells have something called the Major Histocompatibility Complex on the wall of the cell. This structure marks each cell as belonging to you. The only reason why we are able to do blood transfusions is because our blood cells do not contain this structure.
Also, our hormones, which are largely controlled by the brain of the hormone system, the pituitary gland, control our entire body. The following is a short, inadequate list of what our pituitary gland controls: emotions, the ability to reproduce, the ability to feel dehydrated, how are brain copes with certain stimulus, certain diseases that would kill us or make living very difficult, etc. These are some of the things that our hormones control. The hormone system is crucial to our makeup as human beings.
In regards to the body, there is so much I could go into from the physics that allow the blood to diffuse across the capillary walls, to the bone structure, to the incredible process of conception to birth. Without God, all of these things would cease to take place. We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made.
"If we were to say that a single atom was out of the control of all mighty God, we would be denying the omnipotence of God; yea, we would be saying that God did not exist." [Thomas A. Thomas in his book, A Reason for The Hope] Everything, from the universe to the smallest atom is controlled and sustained by God. Nothing happens without His foreknowledge and His will. "God is intimately acquainted with all of our ways."
I have written the brief summary of God's involvement in all things above in order to illustrate a mind set. I would now like to come back to the sun. Even as the earth is sustained by the sun as well as the rest of the Heavens so are we sustained by the Son that giveth us life. Without God, life would cease to exist as I have stated so many times before. We must realize that God is in control of our lives. We can not deny Him anymore. He must be the Sun of our life, the Nucleus. He must be our fulcrum, and our central focal point. "Kiss the Son lest He be angry with you."
A life spent apart from God is a life lived in direct opposition to the way we were created. We were created by God, and whether you like it or not, you and everything else is sustained by Him. I speak to Christian and non Christian alike. God and His law must be kept before our eyes. We must write the law of God on the doors of our house. We must meditate on God's law day and night. Every time we sin and every time our minds wander away from God, we deny the power of God in our life. We assert ourselves as being equal or wanting to be equal with our Creator, which was the essence of the original sin. "Shall the thing that was formed say to him that formed it, " 'why have you made me thus'?"
May the Son of God, dear fellow man, not only be the physical, but also the spiritual nucleus of your entire being. The Lord be with you.
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