Thursday, April 9, 2009


"And he shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh."

The past two weeks we have received some very disturbing news. In Iowa, the Supreme Court ruled, that to define marriage as between one man and one women is not fair to gay and lesbian couples. In Vermont, the state legislature overturned the Vermont Supreme Court's decision that marriage is between one man and one women with no exceptions. It is now legal for gay and lesbian couples to receive a marriage license.

In The Old Testament, the Lord set up a biblical model for marriage. This model was one man and one women. The Almighty God said, that marriage is between one man and one women. The Lord reiterated the above verse twice in the Scriptures. The Lord also mentions many times that fornication is wrong and is committed by those that are wicked. (Romans 1:21)

Today, we live in a culture that says, marriage between one man and one women is right, marriage between two men is right, and marriage between two women is right. Today, we call evil "good", and good "sin".

Men have exalted themselves against the knowledge of God. They have worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator.

Again in the Old Testament, we read in Leviticus, "It is an abomination for man to lie with mankind as with womankind." This is very clear. In the New Testament, it says that God gave them over to the lust of their own flesh working that which is unseemly, but they have received the due recompense of their reward. (Romans 1:27) This is also very clear.

Because of their sin, the Lord will have His way with these people. The Lord will not forever suffer men to go unpunished. Unless they repent and turn to the Lord, He will one day destroy these people as He destroyed Sodom. The Lord is sovereign. Put your trust in Him.

Young men, you need to be bold. This is not a time to be faint in heart. There is a battle raging and I ask you, "Who will join it?" Will you be able to say with Paul, "I have fought the fight; I have kept the faith?" The true meaning of marriage is being destroyed. What is next? We already murder our "little ones". How long will we just sit back? Don't ask anymore, "Where are the people that will stand up for truth?" YOU BE THAT PERSON. I challenge you to be that person. So, I ask you again to join the fight. This is about the whole armour of God. This is about fighting for the truth of God. The first way you must join the fight is to get on your knees and humble yourself in the eyes of an almighty God. The Lord is with those that serve Him. He is with the humble in heart. "The Lord dwells with the humble and contrite in heart." If the Lord dwells in you or with you, no man will prevail against you. A missionary once said, I am invincible. What he meant was this, the Lord was not going to let anything happen to him until He wanted something to happen to him, and when the Lord wanted something to happen to Him nothing was going to keep it from happening. This is very comforting. This ought to make you extremely bold. If the Lord is with you, who can stand against you?

The Lord be with you, Dear Brethren. Soli Deo Gloria.

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