"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."
Young men, purity is of utmost importance. You must strive to be pure in heart. The above verse says, the pure in heart shall SEE God. Is this not something to be sought after?
The world we live in seeks to steal our purity away from us. The Devil puts temptations at every turn - the magazines in the store, the dress of the people around us, the words of the unrighteous - all of this seeks to destroy our purity. You must overcome these temptations for that is what they are. The Devil is extremely skilled at his work. Do not take rest in the delights that Satan holds out to you. Don't take rest at the little arbour on the side of the road as Christian did in Pilgrim's Progress. Don't take rest in your journey to the City of God.
The Lord tells us in Corinthians: "Watch ye; stand fast; quit ye like men; be strong."(1 Corintrhians 16:13) The Lord also tells His disciples: "Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit is willing, but the flesh is week."(Matthew 26:41) We must watch against these evil temptations. We must lay hold on eternal life. "Blessed are they that overcome."
Again, in chapter eleven of Hebrews, we read of Moses in that, "He chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." This is what you must do. You must say to the Devil, "Get behind me Satan." If you are indeed the temple of the Holy Ghost, such vile temptations have no place within you. A man by the name of Richard Sibbes once said, "Heaven must be in you, before you are in Heaven." Heaven is no place for the Devil, his temptations, or his lusts; so if heaven is in you, before you are in heaven, then these things should not dwell within you.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."
You must seek after God and His righteousness. How do you do this? How do you be pure in heart? You must meditate on God's law both day and night as David did. If you do not meditate on the Law of the Lord or on the things of God, then you are a perfect target for Satan's devices. Spurgeon said, "An idol mind is the Devil's workshop." This is so true. However, if your mind is constantly on the Lord and His desires, if you are truly delighting yourself in Him, then it will be like the strong man's house, and the adversary will not be able to bind the strong man. You must "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." To be pure in heart is a very difficult thing to acomplish and you will fail without the Lord's strength, but remember, if you are pure in heart, you WILL see God.
You must also cultivate prayer to the God of glory that He would give you a pure heart. Pray to the Lord that He would build your faith in Him. Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Lay hold on eternal life. Run the race that is set before you. Put your hand to the plow and don't look back and do all things to the glory of God.
Remember this, "He that honoreth me, I will honor." Honor the Lord by being pure in heart. The Lord be with you, my brethren. Soli Deo Gloria.
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