Dear friends, I would like to share with all of you an experience I had with a young man yesterday at church.
The service was over and we were done with the fellowship meal, when a young man came up to me to introduce himself. After introducing himself, he then proceeded to ask me what I had been reading lately and what I was learning. While this was happening I was flabbergasted. I was used to asking young men questions and here this young man was asking me questions. I did not know what to do. But after answering his questions, I then proceeded to ask him what he was reading. He then proceeded to tell me that he was in the process of reading the London Baptist Confession, Morning and Evening by Spurgeon, and The Man of the Millennium about John Calvin. As he told me these things, I was beginning to be more and more amazed. This young man was more mature than most thirty year olds. It would have been normal to me if this person was between the ages of 15 and 25, but this young man was a young age of nine years old.
I am telling you this story to encourage you. "Let no man despise your youth." God's word has indeed made this young man wiser than the aged.
Young men, open your mouths even if it is in the form of a question. You must not be afraid to open your mouth. If you have something good to say or you think others would benefit from what you are saying, than say it, but remember be humble. "Before wisdom cometh humility."
"Let no man despise your youth." However, if you are in the company of wiser men, ask questions to learn from their wisdom. Also, don't be a fool who speaks to show forth his knowledge. It is also not good to always be talking. "Be quick to hear and slow to speak." However, I see a great problem in the church. Young people would rather be talking about the latest movie, what they have been doing, etc. than the things of God. We must reform our conversations to reflect the image of God.
Young men, read godly books, study the Scriptures, lay hold on eternal life and all men will want to hear your wisdom. If you want to say profitable things, know the word of God. STUDY THE SCRIPTURES. "WITH ALL YOUR GETTING GET UNDERSTANDING." I started this post with the story of a young man to encourage you to awake out of sleep. You must be about God's business. If you are, (to put in my brother's words) God's word will ooze out of every pore.
Young men, "stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." The Lord be with you. Speak of the wonders of God's law. Ooze the things of God. "A book of remembrance will be written for those that speak often one with another (about the things of God) and think on His (God's) name." Sola Deo Gloria.
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