Monday, November 12, 2012

Liberty Through Sacrifice

I was working the graveyard shift last summer at my local hospital, and had the privilege of taking care of a World War II veteran. As I was talking to him, he informed me that he would have gone and fought on the coast of Normandy during the D-day invasion if it had not been for an injury he had sustained previously. He was fighting with Patton and a mortar shell exploded near him. A piece of shrapnel hit him in the lower jaw preventing him from fighting further. As I listened, I realized that these young men with their whole lives ahead of them, with wives, with children, with dreams, gave it all up for future generations. I then communicated this thought to him by saying, "You gave up your life in order for us to have a life." His response was somewhat shocking. He did not dismiss it. He did not lessen it. He said, "That's right! We did." In other words, he wasn't going to be a hero. He was sacrificing his life to give future generations hope for the future. Through this account, we need to realize that countless people have given their lives for the liberty we now enjoy. We can't ignore their sacrifice. I would like to thank the brave Americans for laying down their lives, for giving up comfort, for sacrificing everything for their country. Thank you.

Now, as Christians we have liberation and freedom through the sacrifice of one, the man, Christ Jesus. Through his sacrifice, we enjoy eternal liberty. Christ commands that in order for us to be able to stand in the evil day, to be ready when he comes, we need to watch and pray that we enter not into temptation. Thomas Jefferson said, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." This is no more true than for a Christian. We must be vigilant against sin, against the rising injustice in our land, against Satan's devices. This watching should produce action as well. We cannot stand idly by as brave Americans are giving their lives in wars foreign and domestic. We have to make good on their sacrifice. We cannot waste the freedom we have received. Freedom is not free. It cost the sinless Saviour's blood. It required millions of people to die. Believers, I am pleading with you. It is time to stand up and say to the proud waves of injustice sweeping our land, "Hitherto and no further, and here shall your proud waves be stayed." You may not be fighting a battle in some dessert or invading some coast with little chance of survival, but you do live in a country that hates God, murders children, and calls good, evil and evil, good. It is time to rise up. It is high time to awake out of sleep and apathy. 

By way of warning, you should never ever fear men. You should only fear God. So, "let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

Men, many of you would like to join the military or would like to do something heroic. There is nothing more heroic than a man that stands up for truth and does not compromise. There is nothing more exciting than to fight for the liberty of generations yet unborn. So, while many people have laid down their lives in various different wars, whose sacrifice we honor, we need men and woman that are willing to fight the battles on the home front. We need homes that are committed to living according to the Word of God, we need churches to preach the gospel, and we need fathers that are willing to die for the liberties of their children. You have been given example. Now, go, make good on the liberty you have received. Give God whole hearted devotion, and fight. It is a time of war. The battle wages. Will you join the fight?

1 comment:

  1. Good words. May we always fight for liberty...through Christ we will conquer!
