Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Cup of Blessing That We Have Received

I was reading something this morning that was written by a friend, and it sparked some thoughts. Please bare with me as I seek to unravel some of these thoughts.

As I read, I was reminded of an account of King David. At the time, David was surrounded by the host of Saul, and if you remember, the Scriptures tells us that David was thirsty. So, without command, three of David's mighty men broke through the gate of the city of Bethlehem to get him a drink. They fought their way through the enemy, they sacrificed their lives, they put everything on the line for their captain. When the men returned with the cup of water, David took it and poured it on the ground. To us reading this account, it seems like a great waste especially after such sacrifice, but David would not drink the water because he saw it as the blood of these men. Brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ gave up his kingdom, humbled himself, endured great agony, was obedient even to the death of the cross and now ever liveth to make intercession for us. He did and does all this to bring us a cup of living water that if we drink we shall never thirst again. He has showered us with his blood, he has given us unimaginable riches, he has freely given us grace and mercy. Brethren, every good and perfect gift cometh from above. Our hearts are full, our cup runneth over [Psalm 23]. Let us pour out our cups of thanksgiving to the Lord. Let us honor the sacrifice he has made, the gifts he has given, the love he has bestowed on us his people. The mercy of the Lord does indeed endure forever.

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. God is very good. Praise Him. Also, by way of reminder, as we enjoy our feast today and give God thanks, please remember to pray for our countless brethren in many different countries that are either in prison for the gospel or seeking to worship God without being arrested. The Lord be with you.


  1. Your blog is very encouraging to us Benjamin. There are so few sober minded young men in our day and age who are whole heartedly devoted to glorifying God. Keep on fighting the good fight and being a light in the darkness. How are your studies coming? We've heard bits and pieces of your plans for your medical training but would really like to hear more. Please let us know if your family is ever in the Lancaster, PA area, we would love to see you all. Blessings, Mrs. Smithe for the family

  2. Hi Ben,
    let me introduce to my project Jesus Reassembled.
    I just started Indiegogo camapign and I would like to kindly ask you if you want to cooperate to promote this campaign.
    It would be very hlepful for me. It cost me a lot of energy and I´am trying all ways to promote this project.
    Indiegogo camapign:

    I made these videos:
    *main video:*
    *how the kit works:*

    thanks for sharing

    Vojtěch Valda (author)

    official website:
